23 charts to succeed in 2023
23 fast charts for business success in 2023 for only $23
Get the economic and consumer data you need to know for success in the year of uncertainty ahead.
This data normally costs thousands
Forget expensive IBISWorld subscriptions or trying to keep up with every report, media story or expensive consultancy view of the economy and consumer - get this easy-to-digest PDF report, all written in Plain English.
Stop trying so hard to keep up!
The truth is: you'll understand more by reading the RIGHT data that signals the change ahead.
Can you afford to waste more time deciphering what's really happening with the economy?
If you don’t start moving forward, you’ll miss your chance to tackle the upsides for 2023.
Charlie Nelson is Australian's premiere forecaster and founder of Foreseechange.
He will help you:
- Know exactly what to pay attention to
- Filter vital information from the avalanche of data
- Identify emerging opportunities quickly
And you’ll be relieved to know that everything that you get with 23 for 2023 isn’t going to cost you the January 1, 2023 price of $2970. It’s only $23 … for a limited time.
Charlie is a statistician and forecaster who's been keeping tabs on consumers and the Australian economy for decades.
He has distilled his top insights for the year ahead into an easy-to-digest book of charts so you don't have to try so hard to keep up.
Inside this report you will find
- The data showing what will happen with consumer spending in 2023
- What's likely to happen with population and migration
- The outlook for retail spending, food and takeaway and household goods in Australia
- What residential property prices are likely to do
- The age group undergoing a "baby boomlet"
- Scenario plans to futureproof your business resilience.
You'll get a 37-page report bursting with easy-to-read analysis